Intuitive tattooing is something that came to me when I was just about to open The Present Tattoo Parlor, which was 4 years ago now! At the time I was going to weekly psychic lessons, learning and unlocking all of the gifts and skills I now use daily. I realized that when I am in the presence of someone, whether they are speaking to me or I’m reading something about them, I started seeing colors and shapes, but also feeling them. I overlooked this gift of mine my whole life, not really thinking anything of it, but during my psychic training ~ I realized that I had to utilize these visions, and turn them into something that would last a life time and hold sacred power.

This process will start over email, I will ask you a series of questions that I'll email to you once you purchase an "intuitive tattoo" through my website. I ask personal and vulnerable questions that help me get to know you through a screen. If any of these questions are too much for you to go into, please skip to the next one. I never want to make anyone uncomfortable or cross any boundaries.

When answering questions, please be as open as you can and feel free to go in depth with your answers. As I'm reading, I'll start to hear words, see symbols or colors, hear songs, or feel certain emotions that will guide the drawing I'll have for you at our appointment. I call these visions or noises "spirit", "source" "god" or "collective consciousness". I will also draw a tarot or oracle card to further go off of my intuitive feelings! You don't need to be spiritual or religious to get these tattoos, as long as you have an open heart!

Once you've answered the questions, I'll have you send them back to me anytime but for sure 2 days before your appointment so that I can process with spirit and draw your design that's unique to you! I will never repeat designs, but certain symbols could be repeated to represent similar things to other folks- because we are ALL ONE! I also ask you to include the general shape of design you want, if there's any symbols you don't want, and your desired placement. All intuitive tattoos are $550 minus your deposit, so you will owe $450 the day off, and I am cash only. The tattoo will be around 6-7 inches. When you arrive for your appointment, I will show you the design and give you your goody bag that comes with a description of what your tattoo symbolizes, a few crystals, and an essential oil.

I hope you know that doing these tattoos is one of my greatest honors in life. Connecting with people through such a meaningful experience brings me so much joy. I feel like we’re creating a little community across the state of such strong, expansive, powerful individuals. Thank you for trusting me, for sharing your story with me, and for your everlasting love and support. It truly means more than you will ever know. ♡

Intuitive Tattoos